Mahler’s Fourth Symphony and Des Knaben Wunderhorn

The Colorado MahlerFest is performing Mahler’s Fourth Symphony this weekend, May 17th and May 19th.  In light of that concert, we felt you would find the following of interest. Most fans of Mahler’s music know that his first four symphonies are referred to as his Wunderhorn Symphonies, since the symphonies contain musical material from Mahler’s […]

MahlerFest XXVI, May 13-19: Symphony #4 and Julie Simson’s Farewell

MahlerFest XXVI is here.  It is a bittersweet milestone.  After a year’s work and preparation, we’re always very excited about our festival, with symposium, dinners, and concerts.  But this year we celebrate the truly amazing contributions of a gifted performer and teacher as we bid farewell to soloist, supporter, and friend, mezzo-soprano Julie Simson. The MahlerFest […]