To Tenth, or Not To Tenth, that is the question…

There’s a tempest raging over at Norman Lebrecht’s “house”.  The classical music uber-blogger, and all-around maven, attended a performance of the Deryck Cooke “performing version” of Mahler’s 10th Symphony in Liverpool, conducted by Vasily Patrenko last night (March 22).  As far as Lebrecht is concerned “It is one of the biggest interpretive challenges in the […]

Farewell to Wolfgang Sawallisch

The great German conductor and pianist,Wolfgang Sawallisch passed away at his home in Grassau,  Germany, Friday February 22, he was 89. Sawallisch was known for his consistently great interpretations of the German Romantic Tradition in classical music, especially the music of Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner, as well as the music of Anton Bruckner, and […]